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Windows Installation

This section provides instructions for installing edgeCore on a Windows Server. It also details how to create a service that will automatically start edgeCore when the server is booted.
For all steps below, replace "path_to_download_folder" and "path_to_install_folder" as appropriate.


  1. Install Java (refer to the System Requirements for supported versions)
  2. Ensure JAVA_HOME system environment variable is configured
    a. Start → Right-click on Computer and “Properties” → Advanced System Settings → Environment Variables
    b. Under “System Variables”, if there is no "JAVA_HOME" variable set, click “New”
    c. Set “Variable Name” to JAVA_HOME
    d. Set “Variable Path” to the path to Java install path (Example: JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45)
    e. Note: Make sure JAVA_HOME does not end with “\” and is not surrounded by quotes. It is also recommended that JAVA_HOME not contain spaces.

Step 1:  Create a Folder

Create a folder in which edgeCore will be installed. In the Windows File Explorer, navigate to the desired location, right-click, and select New → Folder, or run mkdir in the command prompt as shown below:

mkdir path_to_install_folder

Step 2:  Extract the edgeCore Release

Extract the edgeCore release into the folder created in step 1. Use either the native Windows extract tool (right-click, Extract All) or a zip utility (such as WinZip or 7-Zip) to extract the Edge release into this folder. This can be done in the Windows File Explorer or in the command prompt as shown below (the example uses 7-Zip):

path_to_7zip_install_folder\7z x path_to_download_folder\ -opath_to_install_folder

Step 3:  Install edgeCore as a Windows Service (Optional) 

To add edgeCore to the Windows Services:

path_to_install_folder\bin\edge.bat service -i [NAME]

[NAME] is optional. The default service name is “edge”.

To remove edgeCore from the Windows Services:

path_to_install_folder\bin\edge.bat service -r [NAME]

When installing a Windows Service the configuration is based on the settings in environment.bat. If subsequent changes are made to environment.bat, and these should be reflected in the service, then it is necessary to remove and re-install the service to pick up the changes.

4.4.2-hotfix3 Change

Requirement: Edit the service and switch to Local System account.
To do so:

  • Go to Task Manager > Services.
  • Find the service you created above.
  • Right-click on the service and access Properties.
  • Go to Log On and select Local System Account.

Making Changes to environment.bat and Setting HTTPS or 8443

Remove the ‘rem’ prefix from a line to enable its configuration.

(rem set HTTP_PORT=8080) would be (set HTTP_PORT=8443) to run on 8443;

(rem set HTTP_SSL=false) would be (set HTTP_SSL=true) to run over HTTPS;

Step 4:  Load a License File on Startup (Optional)

To load a license file into edgeCore:

path_to_install_folder\bin\edge.bat license -f path_to_license_file

The server can be either running or offline. If it is offline, the command will be run once the server has started.

Install via Edge CLI (v3.8.5+)

To install a license via command line using the new Edge CLI, the server must be running (see Step 5). The command is as follows:

java -Dedge.cli.config=path\to\ -jar bin\cli\edge-cli-3.8.5.jar license -f FILENAME --user username [--pass password]
Example: C:\opt\edgeSuite-3.8.5-GA\bin>java -Dedge.cli.config="C:\opt\edgeSuite-3.8.5-GA\bin\cli\" -jar 

Install via Edge CLI (v3.11.1+)

To install a license via command line using the new Edge CLI, the server must be running (see Step 5). The command is as follows:

bin\es-cli.bat license -f FILENAME --user username [--pass password]
Example: C:\opt\edgeSuite-3.11.1-GA\bin>es-cli.bat license -f "C:\opt\" --user admin --pass admin

FILENAME should point to an existing license file, and the credentials should be for a user with administrative access. The password can be passed as an argument, or it can be omitted from the arguments and entered via a masked password prompt that will appear after pressing Enter once the command and other arguments have been typed. See Edge CLI for more information.
License files can also be loaded by an administrator in a web browser once the server is running. For instructions, see License Management.

Step 5:  Start edgeCore

If edgeCore is configured to run as a service then use the Windows Services management console to start and stop. Please note that by default the service is set to Manual startup mode and if edgeCore should start on boot then this needs to be updated to Automatic.
Alternatively, edgeCore can be run from the command line in a terminal:

path_to_install_folder\bin\edge.bat start

Step 6:  Validate the Installation

To confirm that edgeCore is running and accessible for login:

  1. Go to the following URL in a supported web browser on any workstation that has network access to the edgeSuite server: http://localhost:8080
  2. When prompted, log in with the following default credentials (case sensitive):
    1. Username: admin
    2. Password: admin

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