edgeCoreâ„¢ 4.7.1 Release Notes
Production date: November 11, 2024
Displaying Dates in GMT Timezone in Data Preview
In the Data Preview, you can now view the dates in the GMT timezone.
The timezone you set in Preferences or local.properties is displayed next to the GMT toggle switch. Enabling the GMT Timezone toggle switch will only show the dates in this format — dates will not be saved in this format.
H2 Database Upgraded
The H2 database has been upgraded to version 2.3.232.
Security Updates
Spring Framework has been upgraded to version 5.3.39.
Resolved Issues
- The issue where custom datetime formats configured in List and Table visualizations resulted in broken configurations has been resolved.
- The issue where maximizing and then restoring visualizations allowed non-admin users to access edit screens has been resolved.
- The issue where setting a DATE to a LONG number value was not properly setting EPOCH values has been resolved.
- The issue where the Apply/Save and Close button did not get triggered after disabling the Enable map based topology option has been resolved.
- The issue with the missing attributes for upstream JavaScript feeds after edit has been resolved.
- The issue that caused multiple selection not to set page variables with right-click action has been resolved.
- The issue where persisted tables were cleared on restart has been resolved. When the poll interval of backing feed def was 0, the job did not run and the dependent transforms, visualizations, and pages had errors.
- Handling of missing cells in the XLS parser has been improved.
- Server Logs: Load More History now shows the newest entries.
- Automation: The issue that caused SetErrorHandler not to catch an error on the step above it has been resolved.
- Automation: The issue where the Page Initialization script was missing after backup restore has been resolved.
Known Issue
- Filters: rule sets break when the datasets have column names that start with numbers.