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edgeCore™ 4.6.2 Release Notes

Production date: April 19, 2024

What’s New?

Resource Bundles

With resource bundles, you are able to name certain fields the way that reflects your preferences.

To use resource bundles:

  • The customAuth.js file (once created, should be placed in the scripts folder) provides a way to pass in a JSON object of key-value pairs that are used for lookups.
  • You have to hit the server with: http://localhost:8080/login?trustedUser=admin to get it to authenticate using the custom auth.
  • To use a value in the resource bundle in edgeCore, you should enter ${bundle.key1} inside a field.

Resource bundles can be used in the following places:

  • Table visualization column header labels
  • Charts (series labels, axis label, legend)
  • Actions (tooltip labels, action names which are displayed in the menu)
  • List visualization labels
  • HTML Template
  • Timeline Visualization labels
  • Custom ‘no data’ messages for visualizations

List label example with key-value pair Key1:Test1 as seen in the customAuth script above (In this case, we entered {bundle.Key1} in the Label field)


Pipeline: Links Avoiding Nodes on Render

A new option has been added to pipeline settings that renders links as avoiding nodes.

Table Column Header Label Visibility

Column header labels in tables are optional now, that is, you can decide whether to show them or not by clicking the icon next to the label field.
In the following example, the avatar label is no longer visible.

Setting Memory Levels in Script

When running the configure script, now you can set memory limits.

Whitelisting Valid Hostnames in Script

When running the configure script, now you can provide a list of valid hostnames that will be able to access edgeCore.

ECP Extension Upgraded

The Edge Client Proxy extension has been upgraded to version 2.0.40.

Drivers Upgraded

The following drivers have been upgraded:

  • Microsoft SQL (mssql-jdbc-10.2.0.jre11.jar -> mssql-jdbc-12.6.1.jre11.jar)
  • PostgreSQL (postgresql-42.5.1.jar -> postgresql-42.7.2.jar)
  • MariaDB (mariadb-java-client-2.7.6.jar -> mariadb-java-client-2.7.12.jar)

Security Updates

The following libraries have been upgraded:

  • JSON Path (version 2.9.0)
  • Spring Framework (version 5.3.33)
  • Tomcat  (version 9.0.86)

Resolved Issues

  • The issue where curl –request-target “*” -X OPTIONS returned 200 result instead of an error has been resolved.
  • The issue where HTML templates broke due to a missing trustResourceUrl tag inside of <img> tags has been resolved.
  • The issue where System Info was showing incorrect database type for Auth and Cache has been resolved.
  • The issue with Rest API where username validation got broken when “@<domain>” was specified has been resolved.
  • The issue where plain text string fields in a table did not trigger mouseover tooltips has been resolved.
  • The issue where attribute labels got mixed up when reordering items in the gauge visualization has been resolved.
  • The issue where duplicate column name in the For Each transform broke data preview has been resolved.
  • The issue where JavaScript action invocation from JS Transform Script failed due to undefined mapper has been resolved.

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