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Runtime Configuration

All configurable server runtime options are stored in [INSTALL_HOME]/conf/environment (the file extension is (.sh) on Linux/Unix or (.bat) on Windows). This file is safe to edit.

Uncommenting Lines

The configuration settings in the environment file are all commented out by default. When updating any of these settings, be sure to also remove the REM (Windows) or  (Unix) at the beginning of the line for the change to take effect.

Option Default Description
HTTP_ADDRESS Determines what IP address Tomcat will bind to. By default, it will bind to all IP addresses on the host, but you can uncomment this option and restrict it to a specific IP if necessary.
HTTP_PORT 8080 Determines the port Tomcat will listen on. Please note that to use ports < 1024 Tomcat must be run as an administrator or with JSVC on Unix.
SHUTDOWN_PORT 8005 Used on the localhost only to listen for shutdown commands. If you have multiple Tomcat installations on the same host then each will need a separate shutdown port.
HTTP_SSL false To enable HTTPS to change this to true, and you possibly want to change HTTP_PORT to 443 to have Tomcat listen on the typical HTTPS port.
KEYSTORE_FILE conf/ssl/tomcat.crt Location of the Keystore. The default is a self-signed certificate that ships with Edge. This path is relative to [INSTALL_HOME]/. Refer to the SSL Configuration page for more information.
KEYSTORE_PASS edgeti (optional) The password is required to access the Keystore. Optionally, keystore.pass can be configured in [INSTALL_HOME]/ and it will be encrypted on the next restart of edgeCore.
KEYSTORE_TYPE JKS Type for the self-signed certificate Edge ships with. Other supported types are PKCS11 and PKCS12. Please refer to the public Tomcat SSL instructions for more information about generating your own certificates. Most SSL certificate providers will provide an option in one of the formats listed above.
CLIENTAUTH false To enable HTTPS client authentication set this to true. If this is enabled the TRUSTSTORE_FILE must also be defined.
TRUSTSTORE_FILE n/a Location of the truststore. By default, this is not set, but if HTTPS Client Authentication is enabled this option must be set. Note: The configuration file [INSTALL_HOME]/tomcat/conf/server.xml must be customized to configure a TrustStore file.
TRUSTSTORE_PASS n/a (optional) Password is required to access the truststore. Optionally, keystore.pass can be configured in [INSTALL_HOME]/ and it will be encrypted on the next restart of edgeSuite. The ‘truststore.pass’ will only be read if [INSTALL_HOME]/tomcat/conf/server.xml is updated to include a reference.
JAVA_MEMORY_MAX 1536 Sets the Java runtime option -Xmx, the maximum heap size. See Memory Configuration for more information on tuning memory parameters.
JAVA_MEMORY_INIT 256 Sets the Java runtime option -Xms, the initial heap size. See Memory Configuration for more information on tuning memory parameters.
JAVA_GC_LOGGING false When set to true Java garbage collection information is logged to gc.log in the logs directory. GC information may be useful when analyzing system performance and understanding memory issues. See Memory Configuration for more information on tuning memory parameters.
CUSTOM_JAVA_OPTS n/a Additional custom JVM options can be defined here. By default, this is not defined.
MAC_JAVA_OPTS (see description) Mac OS X specific JVM options. By default configures Java to use the Edge logo as the Dock icon.
JAVA_HOME n/a This is not configured in the environment file by default but can be set here to override the system-wide, or user-specific environment. NOTE: on Linux/UNIX this is managed by the post_install script.
PIDFILE n/a This is used by Tomcat when running as a service on Linux/UNIX systems and by default is automatically determined by the TOMCAT_SERVICE name (managed by post_install) in the form/var/run//.pid. Use this runtime option to override the default.

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