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edgeCore 3.11.6 Release Notes

edgeCore CVE Updates

EC-562 – Upgraded server dependencies (Log4j 2.13.1 – CVE-2020-9488, Spring Security – CVE-2020-5408, DOM 4J – CVE-2020-10683)
EC-567 – Upgraded Apache Tomcat 9.0.35 (CVE-2020-9484); including updated Cipher Suite and TLS configuration updates.

General Updates

EC-446: Improved Javascript expression exposure of moment/time support functions. For example: Enabling a feed where performing a function to dynamically set the time to be passed in on the request.

EC-442: Added Oracle-Kerberos JDBC Connection Type.

EC-327: Fixed issue where Endpoint scoped Connection Properties, where in some Connections (CSV and Shell) would show the default path value instead of the configured value (Regression in v3.11.4).

EC-484: Resolved error where default file encoding would be used to read JS Libraries (used by ServerSide Javascript Expressions); failing to read the library on some operating systems.

EC-539: Resolved error where the Endpoint order was not being honored.

EC-526: Resolved a regression in the Breadcrumb handling, where switching back to a previous page via the breadcrumb lost the page variable(s) state.

EC-186: Resolved issue where re-editing a Chart Visualization the axis resets ‘logarithmic’ setting to ‘linear’, so each time you edit the widget you must manually switch it back to ‘logarithmic’ before saving the changes.

EC-526: Resolved issue where Table Visualizations would not expand to the full vertical space when rendered or sometimes exceeded the vertical space.

EC-97: Added a new metric: ‘page_status_total’ counter that provides information linking the Page by name and by id to the corresponding upstream node state when sending results: ‘error’, ‘stale’, ‘success’.

EC-97: Update the default Micrometter Application label / tag from ‘edgeSuite’ to ‘edgeCore’; and allow configuration in via: ‘application.label=edgeCore’.

EC-543: Resolved a StackOverflow exception causing some restore ‘<backupFile>’ to fail due to circular references.

EC-259 / EC-506: Resolved issue where saving a new feed/action would fail; when selected ‘Save’ twice or ‘Save’ then ‘Save and Close’ where it would falsely detect an existing node on the server with the current ‘Feed’ / ‘Action’.

EC-504: Resolved issue where Saving Actions on a Notification would save duplicate named action when selecting ‘Save’ more than once.

EC-527: Resolved issue where Maps would fail to render. Possible regression/fix introduced in EC-526.

EC-499: Added service endpoint to generate a SAML AuthnRequest, resolving an issue where SAML Module installation/configuration would trigger response already committed errors.

EC-203: Improved handling of Job Metrics dropping page parameters by default, as this can lead to too much load on the Prometheus scrapes. This is configured via ‘metrics.trackJobParams=false’.

EC-203: Added JobData Counter Metric that will provide better counts to job runs and the state: ‘

EC-574: Resolved issue where the server failed to allow Cluster-Mode when MySQL8 database and dialect were enabled, was forcing MySQL57 dialect to be configured.

EC-576: Resolved issue where creating a Cluster Snapshot was not cleaning up the filesystem backup file (the snapshot is stored inside the auth database).

EC-575: Resolved issue where the Timeline Visualization failed to render QuickFilter Search changes quick, lagging by 10 – 20 seconds.

EC-579: Resolved regression on HTML Widget Visualizations supporting Attribute Value Click Action.

EC-577: Resolved regression when searching for JobStatus by name, where the job search would report an error if the job status is no longer available or a job for the named node hasn’t been run.

EC-504: Resolved issue on Create Notification where preview would report errors in the console, and any action that was ‘saved’ would be duplicated.

EC-647:  Resolved shell script connection feeds not including shell script in backup when a non-default path is configured.

EC-647:  Resolved JSON Shell Script Feed not resolving raw JSON required for configuration when a non-default path is configured.

Contact Information

For questions or assistance with this release, please see the support page for contact information.

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