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Push (Connection)

While the other connection types in edgeCore serve up data by retrieving it from a source (either on-demand or with polling), the Push Connection allows the server to accept data that is sent from an outside source. This can be done either with the Edge CLI push command, or through an HTTP post to {edgeSuiteHost}/es-push/{feedName}. The latter option can be accomplished with a tool such as cURL, provided that a valid session cookie is included in the request headers, the request body contains the data to be sent, and feedName refers to a valid Push Feed.

Creating a Push Connection

To create a Push Connection, go to the Pipeline, click + and select the Push connection type.
The following options may be configured in the connection wizard of a Push Connection:

Option Description Required Example
Connection Name Display Name of Connection Yes Sample Push Connection
Description This is where the administrator can enter notes for the connection. No
Enabled If enabled, Connection will count against the license limit. No Yes

Push Feeds

The Push Connection will support feeds with any of the standard parsers (CSV, Custom (JavaScript), JSON, XML XPath, and XML XSLT). These feeds will differ slightly in their configuration compared to their usual implementation. Since Push Connections rely on data being sent from an outside source rather than having edgeCore fetch that data, there are no polling settings. Further, to define the expected structure of the incoming data, users must provide sample data in the Configure step of the feed configuration wizard. Note that the records of the sample data will not propagate downstream through the pipeline, but the attributes will. Records derived from pushed data will propagate to active subscriptions downstream (e.g. Visualizations on a Page).

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