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How to Parse Raw JSON Data

If you have a JSON file with data in key-value pair, you can parse it to get the value of any data attribute by using custom JavaScript.

Our JSON file, which you can download here, looks like this:

    "options": {
        "idx.max": {
            "type": "int",
            "description": "limits the maxium number of collection indexes to return for the requested presentation data"
        "idx.list": {
            "type": "list",
            "description": "a comma-delimited list of collection indexes for which to fetch data (when not specified, all indexes up to idx.max will be fetched)"
        "insert_nulls": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "insert NULLs for all poll dates within the specified date range that do not have polled values"
        "duration": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "human readable short-hand, such as 24h, 5d, 90m where h=HOUR, d=DAY, m=MINUTE. Used to specify the amount of data to fetch"
        "beginstamp": {
            "type": "timestamp",
            "description": "timestamp for the beginning of the desired range of data"
        "endstamp": {
            "type": "timestamp",
            "description": "timestamp for the end of the desired range of data"
        "fetch_indexes": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "fetch the list of collection indexes (and their string labels, if any exist) for the date range instead of actual data. Note: if fetch_indexes is enabled, idx.max and idx.list will be ignored."
        "hide_options": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "hide these options"
        "aggregate_fields": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Comma delimited list containing one or more of: std,min,max,avg,sum. "
    "data": {
        "0": {
            "min": {
                "1652745600": "1.44",
                "1652832000": "1.45",
                "1652918400": "1.25",
                "1653004800": "1.25",
                "1653091200": "1.28",
                "1653177600": "1.3",
                "1653264000": "1.33",
                "1653350400": "1.21",
                "1653436800": "1.27",
                "1653523200": "1.31",
                "1653609600": "1.41",
                "1653696000": "1.32",
                "1653782400": "1.34",
                "1653868800": "1.29",
                "1653955200": "1.47",
                "1654041600": "1.53",
                "1654128000": "1.43",
                "1654214400": "1.48",
                "1654300800": "1.37",
                "1654387200": "1.41",
                "1654473600": "1.36",
                "1654560000": "1.37",
                "1654646400": "1.51",
                "1654732800": "1.47",
                "1654819200": "1.42",
                "1654905600": "1.57",
                "1654992000": "1.58",
                "1655078400": "1.63",
                "1655164800": "1.66",
                "1655251200": "1.61"
            "max": {
                "1652745600": "41.11",
                "1652832000": "41.9",
                "1652918400": "40.85",
                "1653004800": "43.53",
                "1653091200": "41.99",
                "1653177600": "42.39",
                "1653264000": "42.66",
                "1653350400": "41.24",
                "1653436800": "42.76",
                "1653523200": "41.17",
                "1653609600": "43.29",
                "1653696000": "40.39",
                "1653782400": "41.12",
                "1653868800": "41.3",
                "1653955200": "41.31",
                "1654041600": "41.07",
                "1654128000": "42.76",
                "1654214400": "42.93",
                "1654300800": "41.57",
                "1654387200": "42.71",
                "1654473600": "41.78",
                "1654560000": "42.34",
                "1654646400": "41.22",
                "1654732800": "40.03",
                "1654819200": "40.18",
                "1654905600": "44.9",
                "1654992000": "40.99",
                "1655078400": "41.78",
                "1655164800": "40.85",
                "1655251200": "41.5"
            "avg": {
                "1652745600": "2.134201388888891",
                "1652832000": "2.118923611111111",
                "1652918400": "2.2128819444444456",
                "1653004800": "1.9538541666666658",
                "1653091200": "1.9008680555555562",
                "1653177600": "1.9047569444444428",
                "1653264000": "1.9931851851851856",
                "1653350400": "2.017465277777779",
                "1653436800": "1.9823958333333307",
                "1653523200": "2.0069791666666683",
                "1653609600": "2.1018402777777783",
                "1653696000": "2.073333333333333",
                "1653782400": "2.082881944444443",
                "1653868800": "2.0815277777777745",
                "1653955200": "2.14034722222222",
                "1654041600": "2.1777777777777754",
                "1654128000": "2.147881944444446",
                "1654214400": "2.1532638888888904",
                "1654300800": "2.123506944444444",
                "1654387200": "2.1457291666666656",
                "1654473600": "2.1339583333333323",
                "1654560000": "2.166111111111112",
                "1654646400": "2.2408333333333332",
                "1654732800": "2.2234722222222225",
                "1654819200": "2.2369444444444473",
                "1654905600": "2.246250000000001",
                "1654992000": "2.262361111111112",
                "1655078400": "2.307847222222223",
                "1655164800": "2.3414236111111113",
                "1655251200": "2.470366492146595"

We have created a Server Filesystem connection and then a Custom feed off of it.

In the Custom feed, we have uploaded the above-mentioned JSON file, as you can see in this video.

This is the script we have used in the Script tab (downloadable here, so you can copy it easily):

function getAttributes(inputString, nodeVars, secVars) {
  // TODO: Create an array of attribute objects following the sample below
  // use inputString to derive attributes
  var attributes = [];
      name : 'recordedAt', // Alphanumerics and underscores only; no leading, trailing, or adjacent underscores
      type : 'date', // 'string'|'int'|'long'|'number'|'boolean'|'date'
      isId : false, // true|false
      units : 'seconds', // 'millis'|'seconds' (if attribute is a timestamp)
      name : 'avg', // Alphanumerics and underscores only; no leading, trailing, or adjacent underscores
      type : 'number', // 'string'|'int'|'long'|'number'|'boolean'|'date'
      name : 'max', // Alphanumerics and underscores only; no leading, trailing, or adjacent underscores
      type : 'number', // 'string'|'int'|'long'|'number'|'boolean'|'date'
      name : 'min', // Alphanumerics and underscores only; no leading, trailing, or adjacent underscores
      type : 'number', // 'string'|'int'|'long'|'number'|'boolean'|'date'
  return jsAttributesSuccess(attributes, "Example Success");
  // can optionally return jsAttributesFailure(failureMsg) to handle failures

function getObjectKeys(obj) {
    return Object.keys(obj);

function getRecords(inputString, nodeVars, secVars) {
  var rawJsonData = JSON.parse(inputString);
  //entry point
  var parsedRawData =['0'];
  var records = [];
  var lookup = {};
  var sampleRecord;
  var key;
  var avgData = parsedRawData.avg;
  var maxData = parsedRawData.max;
  var minData = parsedRawData.min;
  var avgDataKeys = getObjectKeys(avgData);
  var maxDataKeys = getObjectKeys(maxData);
  var minDataKeys = getObjectKeys(minData);
  avgDataKeys.forEach(function(key) {
    sampleRecord = {};
    //sampleRecord = { 'recordedAt': key, 'avg': avgData[key] };
    //sampleRecord.recordedAt = key;
    //sampleRecord.avg = avgData[key];
    sampleRecord['recordedAt'] = key;
    sampleRecord['avg'] = avgData[key];
    lookup[key] = sampleRecord;
  maxDataKeys.forEach(function(key) {
    lookup[key]['max'] = maxData[key];
  maxDataKeys.forEach(function(key) {
    lookup[key]['min'] = minData[key];
  if (records) {
    return jsRecordsSuccess(records, "Example Success");
  } else {
      return jsRecordsFailure(records, "Failed to push data to records");
  // can optionally return jsRecordsFailure(failureMsg) to handle failures

This is how the JSON is parsed in the preview:

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