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Get Secured Variable by Domain & Name

EdgeCore version: 4.3.0


GET /public/domains/{domainName}/secvars/{secVarName}

Used to retrieve a particular secured variable by its name and by a specific domain.


Name Type Description Mandatory
string Domain for which you want to retrieve the secured variable Yes
string Name of the secured variable you want to retrieve Yes

cURL example

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/public/domains/edge/secvars/newsecvar' \
--header 'edgeApiKey: YWRtaW5AZGVmYXVsdHx3IDNHe2tMZTYhMkZkO3J3cipDaSZUdio5'

Example Response

    "domainId": "s3pvsu-k636f3lq69pj",
    "domainName": "edge",
    "doClass": "DomainSecVarValueDO",
    "id": "s3pvsu-k636f3lq8fvb",
    "varName": "newsecvar",
    "value": {
        "doClass": "SpStringValueDO",
        "isParameter": false,
        "primitiveValue": "sec var test"
    "inheritedValue": null,
    "inheritedValueScope": null

HTTP Response

Code Status Description
200 OK The request has succeeded.
404 Not Found The domain could not be found.


The secured variable could not be found.

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