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Content Transformation

Content Pipeline

The response content pipeline is essentially a configurable sequence of transformations.  By default, it is empty.  When the BaseWeb content rule is used, and its onResponse method is called, it is populated with a number of transformations for URL mapping.  Adapter rules can customize the content pipeline by adding their own transforms.


The transform sequence can be accessed in onResponse through the request context object:

Adapters can add transforms by calling addTransform:

transform = new PlainTextReplacement('foo', 'bar');
transforms.addTransform(new TransformNode(transform, 'example replacement'));

The supplied transform must be wrapped in a TransformNode object, which essentially gives the transform a name – this will be used later for rule debugging and tracing.


The most common types of transforms are PlainTextReplacement, sometimes in combination with PlainTextRange, so a convenience method addTransformsToPipeline is supplied (by tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/webrules/system/lib/ContentReplacementUtils.js).  This method accepts an array of transform definitions:

Field Type Required Default Description
String yes A unique (not enforced) name for the transform.
String yes The string to be searched for in the response content. This will be substituted by the replace string.
String yes This is used as a substitute for the find string. Transforms run after this one will see this string instead of the find one in any incoming content.
Boolean no true Indicate whether the string matching for find should be case sensitive.
int no 0 For values greater than zero, replacements will only be made once this many matches have been made. If no matches are found, or the number of matches is less than this number, then no replacements will be made.
int no 0 For values greater than zero, replacements will stop after this many matches have been made. If this value is equal to countStart then 1 replacement will be made. If this value is less than countStart, then no replacements will be made.
Object no This is the equivalent of wrapping the transform in a PlainTextRange.
String yes A string literal to be searched for in the input buffer, indicating the start of the range.
String yes A string literal to be searched for in the input buffer, once the start has been found. This marks the end of the range.
Boolean no true Indicate whether the string matching for this range’s start and stop should be case sensitive.

The equivalent of the example in the section above would be:

addTransformsToPipeline(ctx, [
        name: 'example replacement',
        find: 'foo',
        replace: 'bar'

Injected Scripts

Sometimes it is necessary to inject JavaScript into an application to facilitate it operating correctly within the EdgeCore interface.  A few utility methods – defined in ContentReplacementUtils.js are made available to content rules to facilitate this.

Note: These can only currently be used in the non-SSO content rules because the URL mappings afterward will prepend the endpoint paths.

Method Arguments Description
ctx – request context object

src – link to the script

name – a descriptive name for the script

Inject a reference to the specified script conditionally, based on whether a script tag is found in the document being retrieved.
ctx – request context object

src – link to the script

name – a descriptive name for the script

Inject a reference to the specified script conditionally, based on whether a head tag is present in the document being retrieved. A new script tag will be inserted at the start of the head, immediately following the initial head tag.
ctx – request context object Uses injectScript to inject a reference to the edgeWeb utils.js script.
ctx – request context object Uses injectScriptAtHead to inject a reference to the edgeWeb utils.js script.



Currently edgeWeb ships with one script – utils.js – that is intended to be injected into applications by adapter content rules.  It implements a single module called edgeWeb which exports two methods:

Method Arguments Returns Description
window Returns the top frame as far as the target application should be concerned. On a page, this is the iframe where the web content is being displayed. In the web content feed preview, this is the iframe in which the preview is being displayed.
window string A ‘safe’ method for getting the supplied frame’s name – never returns null; returns a blank string instead. This is used by getTop, but made public in case it is useful to other code.



The transforms described here are all Java objects.  Definitions are already imported and available to be used by adapter content rules (via ContentReplacementUtils.js), and can be created similar to this:

var transform = new TransformType( ... );

Replacement Transforms


Introduced in the 3.8.5 version

This transform searches for text matching the supplied regular expression and replaces it using a ‘normal’ regex replacement string.  Refer to the Matcher documentation for valid syntax.

Attribute Type Description
String A regular expression to match against the input buffer. See the Java Pattern reference for more details on valid patterns.
String A regular expression replacement string.  See the Java Matcher reference for more details on valid replacement strings.

Create and add a StandardRegexTransform to the response content pipeline like this:

var transform1 = new StandardRegexTransform("foo", "bar");
ctx.rootSequence.addTransform(new TransformNode(transform1, "foo bar mapper"));
var transform2 = new StandardRegexTransform("(foo) (bar)", "$2 $1");
ctx.rootSequence.addTransform(new TransformNode(transform2, "foo bar reverser"));


Introduced in the 3.8.5 version

This transform searches for text matching the supplied regular expression and replaces it using a supplied function that returns a string.

Attribute Type Description
String A regular expression to match against the input buffer. See the Java Pattern reference for more details on valid patterns.
function(ProxyRequestContext, MatchResult) A two-argument function invoked whenever a match is found, to generate and return the replacement string. The string is treated as a literal.  Note that the MatchResult can be used to reference capture groups in matchExpr.

Create and add a JsRegexTransform to the response content pipeline like this:

var transform = new JsRegexTransform("(http(s){0,1})://([\w._-]+)(:(\d*)){0,1}",
    function(requestContext, matchResult) {
        return "";
ctx.rootSequence.addTransform(new TransformNode(transform, "Naive absolute URL mapper"));

The result of a match operation.

This interface contains query methods used to determine the results of a match against a regular expression. The match boundaries, groups, and group boundaries can be seen but not modified through a MatchResult. is whatever the whole regex match was, and is the same.
If there are capturing groups, is the first.

How to use it:

ctx.rootSequence.addTransform(new TransformNode(new JsRegexTransform(
    '(https?)://([^/]*)/', function(req, match) {

If the body of the response contained somewhere, the output would look like this: https



This transform searches for text matching the supplied regular expression and replaces it using a supplied function that returns a replacement string.  Take care when using this transform, as it can produce unexpected results.  When the response content contains characters that will be interpreted by the Java Matcher#appendReplacement method, you may find that backslash characters (used for escaping) are removed, and dollar signs cause errors (which are quietly ignored, and the input content is passed out unmodified).  If necessary, consider using Matcher#quoteReplacementString.  In most cases, you should probably use JsRegexTransform or StandardRegexTransform, where the transformation logic is clearer.

Attribute Type Description
String A regular expression to match against the input buffer. See the Java Pattern reference for more details on valid patterns.
function(ProxyRequestContext, MatchResult) A two-argument function invoked whenever a match is found, to generate and return the replacement string. The returned string can contain group references to the match pattern. See the Java Matcher reference for more details on valid replacement strings.

The BasicRegexTransform can be added to the response content pipeline in the same way as JsRegexTransform.


This transform searches for a fixed string value in the input buffer, and delegates replacement to another transform.

Attribute Type Default Description
String A string literal to be searched for in the input buffer.
int 0 For values greater than zero, replacements will only be made once this many matches have been made. If no matches are found, or the number of matches is less than this number, then no replacements will be made.
int 0 For values greater than zero, replacements will stop after this many matches have been made. If this value is equal to countStart then 1 replacement will be made. If this value is less than countStart, then no replacements will be made.
Boolean true Indicate whether the string matching for matchText should be case sensitive.
Transform The transform to be used for replacing the matched text.

Create a PlainTextReplacement transform like this:

// replace every occurrence of 'foo' with 'bar'
var transform1 = new PlainTextReplacement('foo', new FullTextReplacement('bar'));
// just replace the 5th occurrence of 'foo' in the document with 'bar'
var transform2 = new PlainTextReplacement('foo', 5, 5, new FullTextReplacement('bar'));
// modify transform2 so that it ignores case


This transform replaces the input buffer with a fixed string value.

Attribute Type Default Description
String The string to be used as the replacement text for this transform. Whenever it is run, the transform replaces the input buffer with this string.


Identical to FullTextReplacement, except that a function is used to provide the replacement text, rather than a string literal.

Attribute Type Default Description
function() A function that returns the string to be used as the replacement text for this transform. Whenever it is run, the transform replaces the input buffer with this string. This function is called each time the transform is invoked.




Attribute Type Default Description
String A string literal to be searched for in the input buffer, indicating the start of the range.
String A string literal to be searched for in the input buffer, once the startText has been found. This marks the end of the range.
Boolean false Indicate whether the start/end match text should be included in the range passed to the children of this range.
Boolean false Indicate whether replacement should replace the startText and stopText strings that delimit the range.
Boolean true Indicate whether the string matching for startText and stopText should be case sensitive



Attribute Type Description
String The HTML tag to be searched for.
List<Transform> Transforms to be applied within the scope of this HTML tag. Typically instances of HtmlAttributeTransform.



This is a very specific transform which is most effectively used as a child of an HtmlTagTransform.  It is used to identify the text range representing the value for the named attribute.  Any Transform can be supplied to perform the replacement in the context of that range.

Attribute Type Description
String The HTML attribute to be searched for.
List<Transform> Transforms to be applied within the scope of this attribute’s value.


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