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Enables you to view or change edgeCore configuration values.


bin/ config [--rm] -s scope -k key [-v value]


Flag Required Description
rm No Removes the specified configuration entry.


Flag Required Description
s Yes Scope of the configuration change or view. Limited to “global” or “group:DOMAIN” where DOMAIN is the applicable domain to apply or view the configuration values.
k Yes The key to select or set within the selected scope. i.e. pipeline.safeSubstitution.
v No If provided, the key identified will be set to the value.



Removes the configuration value pipeline.safeSubstitution from the global domain.

bin/ config --rm -s global -k pipeline.safeSubstitution

Lets you view the configuration value pipeline.safeSubstitution for the global domain.

bin/ config -s global -k pipeline.safeSubstitution

Sets the configuration value pipeline.safeSubstitution for the global domain to the value true.

bin/ config -s global -k pipeline.safeSubstitution -v true


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