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SQL Data Feed

Once you have created, configured, and validated the database connection, the next step is to configure one or more Feeds off of the new Database Connection. The Feed type for a database connection will always be a SQL Feed.

Go to the Pipeline, hover over the Connection to expose the gear icon, then click the + on the right side of the popup for “New”, then select “New Feed”.

Step 1: Configure

Enter the information requested to configure the new SQL Feed:

The following options are available on all SQL feeds:

Option Description Required Example
Feed Name Display name of SQL Feed. Yes wiretap_record
Description This is where the administrator can enter notes for the feed. No
Query SQL Query. (Entered in Step 2) Yes select * from wiretap_record
where call_duration > 10
Query Timeout Number of seconds to wait for the query to return results from the database. If time is exceeded, the feed and downstream pipeline steps will display an error. Yes 60
Ignore SQL Comment Yes – Text inside of the comment block /* … */ or inline comment — in the query statement will be ignored

No – The server will attempt to parse comments for edgeSuite tokens nodeVar, safeNodeVar, and src which can result in server error. This option should be on in most of the cases unless you need to have /*, */ or — as part of a literal string.

Poll Interval If > 0, specifies the interval in seconds before the data for the query is considered stale and the query is re-executed. Setting this to 0 indicates the data never becomes stale and will not be automatically queried again. Yes 60
Enable Server Subscription Yes – Use server subscriptions to ensure data is fetched before any client subscribes to the data, and the data will be updated automatically based on Poll Interval.

No – Data is fetched on-demand when a client subscribes and cached for the duration of a poll period.


Once the proper settings have been specified, click “Next”.

Step 2: Query

This is where you enter the sql query statement.

Step 3: Configure options for attributes

For any attribute for which indexing is needed for transforms that reference the feed, check the box for the corresponding attribute under “Indexing On”.

Each index will consume both memory and CPU to maintain. Only check this if a downstream SQL transform references the attribute in a where clause. For the example status attribute, the query would look like:

select * from {src:active_incidents} where status = 'LOGGED'

Step 4: Data Preview

Preview the results of the query:

Click “Save” or “Save and Close” to add the Feed to the Pipeline.

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