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Advanced Update Scheduling: CRON Scheduler

The CRON scheduler enables you to better manage when feed jobs are scheduled to update. Cron jobs are scheduled at recurring intervals, specified using the UNIX cron format. You can define a schedule so that your job runs multiple times a day, or runs on specific days and months.

For example, the admin has a web file source that is updated once a day at 5 am. Without using the advanced update scheduling, to ensure the file source update is not delayed for up to a day, the admin will have to poll it every 15 minutes. By using the CRON scheduler, the admin can fetch the file update at 5:15 am and save all the extra polling during the day.

Note: This needs to be enabled as a server job, or a downstream node must be a server job, to remain active. Otherwise, it will schedule immediately when it has a downstream subscription and then only update via the CRON schedule while active.


How to Enable Advanced Update Scheduling

  1. Go to the pipeline.
  2. Access a feed for which you want to enable advanced scheduling.
  3. In the Base Configuration tab, under Refresh Details, enable the Advanced Update Scheduling toggle switch.
    Fields for defining the schedule are displayed.

    The CRON scheduler consists of six fields with the following possible values:

      • Minutes
        The minute of the hour the scheduler will run on, ranging from 0-59.
      • Hourly
        The hour the scheduler will run at, ranging from 1-23.
      • Daily
        The day of the month the scheduler will run on, ranging from 1-31.
      • Weekly
        The day of the week for a scheduler to run on, ranging from Monday to Sunday.
      • Monthly
        The month the scheduler will run in, ranging from 1-12,  representing January-December.
      • Advanced
        A field for manually entering CRON expression.
  4. Make sure the Enable Server Subscription toggle switch is on.


Once you set up the scheduler and go back to the pipeline, upon hovering over the feed you will see the CRON expression you have set.

Upon going to Job Status (accessed in the system menu) and searching for the feed by its name, you will see when the update is scheduled.


edgCore 4.4.2 version

After enabling the Advanced Update Scheduling toggle switch, the CRON expression builder will be displayed, and you can access it by clicking the pencil icon. Upon accessing the builder, you are able to set the schedule. Once set, you will see the scheduled time below the CRON expression builder.

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