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Web & Data Adapters

edgeCore ships with a base set of adapters as part of edgeData and edgeWeb however additional integrations with 3rd party applications can also be loaded onto the system. Contact Edge Support or your representative to obtain a list of adapters and the applications and versions supported.

  • Data Adapters: provide new data connection and feed types for a specific application. These may also contain content bundles with pre-configured feeds, transforms, visualizations, and pages to provide a way to get up and running fast.
  • Web Adapters: provide new web-content connection and feed types for a specific application.

Adapter Management & Installation

To see the currently installed adapters, load or upgrade adapters, and check licensing status browse to the System Menu → Manage → Adapters as an administrator. This will launch the Adapters management page as shown below. 

(pic from 4.x – installed adapters page in eC)

New or updated adapters need to be obtained from Edge (contact Support) and are ZIP files with the format: where the x.y.z represents the version of the adapter. An adapter may support multiple versions of a specific application, refer to the compatibility matrix for more information. To install or upgrade an adapter:

  1. Place the adapter ZIP into [INSTALL_HOME]/modules/ on the server running edgeCore.
  2. Browse to the Adapters management page, or reload the page if the ZIP was only just added onto the server filesystem (otherwise it will not be visible).
  3. Use the [+] button at the bottom left to add a new adapter, or if a previous version of the adapter is already installed then the Status column will display an Update Available button which can be used to start the process. When adding a new adapter a list of available adapters on the filesystem will be shown:
    (add pic from 4.x of the available adapters window)
  4. Select an adapter and click Install. A confirmation dialog will be shown if only one version is available, otherwise, a list of versions (only newer if upgrading) is shown and a selection can be made as to which version to install.
  5. Note the installation process can take a few moments and when complete a notification will be shown that the adapter is uploaded successfully.
  6. Closing this dialog the Installed Adapter list will be updated to reflect the change.

Adapter Licensing

Adapters must be licensed in order to use them and the licensing is based on the number of connections for connection types provided by that adapter. The current licensing status is reflected in the Installed Adapters list in the Connections column. This presents a count of (enabled) connections against the number of licensed connections. If any adapter exceeds the number of licensed connections the background color will change to red. Please contact Support or your account representative if additional licenses are required.

For convenience selecting an adapter and the edit (pencil) button, or double-clicking the row will open a dialog with a list of connections for that adapter. From here it’s possible to see the enabled state and whether sufficient licenses are available and how they are allocated. See the License Management page for more information on licensing and how to update the license.

Content Bundles

Some Adapters may include Content Bundles to provide out-of-the-box pipeline configuration and pages to get up and running fast. Note that there could be multiple content bundles if needed to support different version of an application, or simply to break up content into different groupings.

For convenience when install or upgrading an Adapter the Deploy Content Bundle button will be active if content bundles are available. Otherwise to deploy a bundle after installation:

  1. Browse to the Adapters management page.
  2. Select an adapter that contains content bundles. The Installed Adapters list includes a column Content Bundles to indicate whether an adapter includes any bundles.
  3. Click the Deploy Content Bundle button at the bottom left to start the process.
  4. Complete the form:
    a. Select the version of the application, this may further restrict the list of available Content Bundles to only those that apply. 
    b. Select the Content Bundle.
    c. Using a Deployment Prefix is optional. When content is added to the system many elements may need unique names, if a collision is detected during deployment it will fail and roll back the change. The Deployment Prefix is appended to places that require unique names and is especially useful if deploying the same content bundle multiple times.
    d. Click the Deploy button.
  5. Upon completion there will be a new connection(s), feeds, transforms, visualizations, pages, and menu items. Note that new connections will require configuration, and other configuration may also be needed for the new content to work correctly.


For more information, refer to the Integrations chapter.

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