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Restores the specified archive to the edgeCore system.


bin/ restore [--list archives|profiles] [-f file [-r] [-l true|false] [-t ALL|CONTENT_ONLY] [-p profile] [-c]]


Flag Required Description
list No Lists all available archives or restore profiles. Following the list option a constant value  of “archives” or “profiles”.


Flag Required Description
f Yes File name. The archive to restore. This can be either a named archive on the target edgeCore instance or can be a path to a file available to the instance.
r No Setting this flag causes the files in custom folders to be removed.
l No Replace the installed license. Assumes true unless false is explicitly set. If false, the restore will preserve the installed license.
t No Command infers ALL. Either ALL or CONTENT_ONLY must be passed if the -t flag is set. CONTENT_ONLY restores content but leaves users and groups intact.
p No Partial flag of the profile specified.
c No Coerce. This flag should be set if attempting to restore an archive on a non-admin server within a cluster.



List all available archives:

bin/ --user admin --pass admin restore --list archives

List all available profiles:

bin/ --user admin --pass admin restore --list profiles

Restore a full backup from a file:

bin/ --user admin --pass admin restore -f MyBackupFile.esb

Restore a partial backup from a file:

bin/ --user admin --pass admin restore -f MyBackupFile.esb -p MyProfile

Restore all content from a file:

bin/ --user admin --pass admin restore -f MyBackupFile.esb -t CONTENT_ONLY

Restore all content from a file, leaving the license intact:

bin/ --user admin --pass admin restore -f MyBackupFile.esb -t CONTENT_ONLY -l false

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